Exterior Painters:

Toronto painters Exterior Residential

In any exterior paint job it's most important that the proper steps are taken to insure the ultimate result. Taking the necessary time in preparation and excellent product knowledge and proper steps needed to achieve a superior paint job.

We all know on an exterior paint job you will not be paying for the paint itself. You will be paying for the experience necessary & product knowledge using the suitable material for your application.

Remove dirt and mildew.
Remove all loose paint.
Sometimes remove all paint on window sill with paint remover.
Prime newly & old bare wood with exterior oil primer.
Sand and clauk all windows if necessary.
Then finish with two coats of exterior paint, best suited for your application!
Exterior Painting for a house requires some advanced planning, theproper tools and the time to completethe job correctly. Exterior paint canadd beauty and value to your home when you follow some easy preparation and process steps.

After you have selected the color or colors that will work for your home and tastes, professionals recommend renting a power sprayer to thoroughly clean the exterior and remove all loose paint and debris. This step will allow you to be able to apply the exterior paint smoothly and ensure that it will last for a long time.

After the exterior of the home is clean and dry, make sure that you have the proper tools to complete the exterior painting. A ladder that extends to the top of the home is important, as well as “ladder mitts” that cover the ends of extension ladder to prevent the ladder from scrapping the exterior paint.

It is advisable to avoid inexpensive paints when considering an exterior paintjob. This is because less expensive paints will not last as long, may fade with the weather, and begin to chip over time. Therefore, to have an exterior paint job that will last for several years and that will continue to be a source of pride for you and your family, do not skimp on exterior paint when it comes to cost.

Exterior paint can be applied with either a brush, roller, or paint sprayer. A paint sprayer will allow your exterior paint job to be completed much quicker than conventional methods. When using a brush for exterior painting, however, make sure that you purchase a brush that is well made and will not fall apart during the exterior painting process. Small rollers are easier to handle when you are attempting to paint the exterior of the home, and are more easily controlled in the Faux Finishing paint process.

One tip that comes from professionals is that if you must stop the painting process in the middle of the job, never end in the middle of a board or panel. When you begin painting again you may find that the board dries in two separate shades. Therefore, pause in the exterior paint job at the completion of a board or panel so that all of the paint will be uniform.